Monday, December 27, 2010


Happy Monday Ya'll!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a beautiful white Christmas in Tennessee. It was great to spend time laughing, relaxing and celebrating the birth of our Savior with family and friends. I will post about all of the fun festivities in the next couple of days. Right now I am laying in bed, where I have been off and on since Saturday. I do believe I have my first cold of the season...YUCK! I cannot stop sneezing and coughing!
I am on my fourth, yes I said fourth, box of Puffs Plus with Lotion!
This is my trashcan sitting next to my bed! The CEO of Puffs should be calling me anytime and thanking me for keeping his business running!
I keep praying that I am going to wake up and feel better, if not I will be visiting the Doc tomorrow!

I can't believe the holidays are over! It's Monday and as always I am linking up with Never Growing Old for Meet Me On Monday...

1. What are your New Year's Eve plans?
We always have a big party at my brother's house on New Year's Eve. We play games, watch football and socialize. My family is coming in from Texas on Wednesday so we will all be together.

2. How tall are you?
I am 5'6".

3. What is your favorite pudding flavor?
Well, I am not big on pudding unless it is on the ingredient list of a dessert. I would say chocolate if I had to eat it.

4. What room of the house do you blog the most in?
I would have to say, my bedroom. I normally blog while laying in the bed watching tv.

5. What is your best physical feature?
Hmmm....that's a tough one. I would probably say my eyes. I have really big, dark brown eyes and crazy long eyelashes. People ask me constantly if I have on fake eyelashes. I get a lot of comments on my hair, also. I many days find it to be hideous and would love to shave it off! I have curly thick hair and everyone says they would love to have my hair. I give them one day and they would want to shave it too!!

It is now time for me to resume my position, which is snuggled up in my bed and watching a movie!!
I hope you have a great day!



Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope you start feeling better soon! It's definitely not fun to be sick around the holidays!

Shawn said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope you feel better for your New years party, it sounds like a great time!

Helen Pigott said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Super answers, I too have been poorly over Christmas :( hope you will be fully better for some great partying over new year, if you have a few spare minutes please visit me back
Helen x

Traditions By The Seasons said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope your feeling better, it's no fun being sick during the holidays! ((Hugs))

Have a great time at your brother's house on New Year's Eve! =) ~Liz

kalea_kane said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nothing more annoying than having a cold around the holidays. Well...the people at Puffs will be happy, we have been keeping them in business over here too.

Your New Year's plans sound like a lot of fun. I love getting together with family, but sadly we can't do it too often.

I'm a new follower from Meet Me On Monday. Hope you can drop by.