Happy Tuesday ya'll!
My mind is so full today so I thought I would share a few random thoughts with you.
First, it is supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow! I have been really over the snow and absolutely cannot wait till Spring but I am saying a BIG prayer that is a blizzard tonight! I have my first Spanish test tomorrow evening and I am not prepared. I do not want to spend the entire day studying tomorrow....at all! I really want a snow day.

This was at 7:00

This is at 9:00 pm
It appears that the snow I am praying for is heading north :( I am still hoping that it will come my way!
Second, I have only been in school for 3 weeks and I am already done! I am counting down the days until Summer break. I am taking 3 online classes and I am already so behind. There is so much involved in online classes and it is mostly busy work. I am taking an online Math class and I was just able a few minutes ago to watch the first lecture video...we are already on quiz 3! Apparently my MacBook Pro is was to technologically advanced for my school so I couldn't view the videos. I emailed the professor and she told me to take it to the computer "expert" on campus. I arrive at this "experts" office and knock on the door, he sticks his finger up and tells me to wait a minute because he was on the phone. I step to the side of the door and wait. While I am waiting I overhear the "expert" on the phone. He is talking to someone about computers, which is totally understandable, then I hear him say, "Well, what am I supposed to do with the USB cord?" I keep listening..."Where should I go to get this started?" Excuse me but did I just hear the "expert" asking an unknown person on the phone how to work his computer...I begin to panic! I look at the name plate on the door, I check my email on my phone to make sure that I am at the write office because I am pretty certain that this so-called "expert" is on the phone with the real expert since he is asking questions, not answering them! He proceeds to wave me in the door and asks if I brought my book with me. "Yes sir, I brought my MacBook with me!" I told him on the phone that I had a MacBook Pro and he thought I was bringing a textbook...Oh my! I was in this man's (he is no longer an expert in my opinion :)) office for almost 2 hours and the only thing I learned is that my college does not require much education when giving someone the title of Computer Expert. I soon got the heck out of there and I will never be going back...I will call an Apple Genius instead (I am almost positive that Apple requires an education!)
Third, I have a new love in my life. I am completely in love with the Bachelor! Not the man, the show. Well, the man would be nice too! I have never been into this show or the Bachelorette. I just think that it is a ridiculous concept. I was flipping through the channels and somehow

landed on it, it was like a train wreck! So now I am hooked.
Did any of you watch last night?
I must say that I think Brad is extremely cute and very, very sweet. I find it a little weird that ABC airs his sessions with his therapist on the show. Isn't that private?
I hope that he finds the perfect woman and I have one girl in mind...

This pretty lady, Emily. I love her! She is a beautiful woman inside and out. She is a down to earth, southern girl! What more could you ask for? I personally think that Brad is completely falling for her. I was so happy that she shared her incredible story with Brad. Being a Nascar fan I remember when her fiance passed away and I didn't realize until I heard her tell the story who she was. I am definitely pulling for her!

Then there is Michelle. I have nicknamed her psycho! This girl has completely lost it. I guess when she signed up for this show no one informed her that there were other girls. She is very self- centered and completely annoying. Everything must be about her and she begins to sob when someone besides her gets the slightest amount of attention. Grow up Michelle and please stop putting "MY" in front of everything you say!
I cannot wait till next Monday so I can see what happens!
Finally, I am not sure if I have mentioned this or not but my best friend is Pregnant!!! She is expecting a little precious cupcake (my name for the little girl in her belly!) on June 27, 2011! I am so excited and I cannot wait for Kynlee's arrival! I have been searching Etsy almost every single night for cute little things I can buy for this little girl. I plan on putting some huge bows on her head and a tu-tu to go with every outfit. I am already in the process of ordering her 1st birthday outfit (I know, she isn't born yet). My friend from Texas has twin 1 1/2 year olds, a boy and a girl. At their 1st birthday party they were completely decked out and so adorable.

This is Miss Ava! She is such a doll! Is that not the cutest outfit you have ever seen?
I hope to one day have a daughter that I can dress up in these adorable outfits!
I can't leave out her cute twin brother so here is Harrison...

He is a doll too! Such sweet babies!
Have I mentioned before that it would be a dream of mine to have twins...I would love it!!!!
Well I think that is enough random thoughts for one day!
Love all the random thoughts! Its always nice to let it all out in a post like this every once in a while (or more if you're anything like me).
SO glad you decided to cross over to the dark side of the bachelor, I HEART that show! Its a sick addiction ;)
hope you have a great day!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my facebook! You blog friends are better than my real ones! :) And I am SO glad that you are hooked on the bachelor. It's such a ridiculous but oh so fun obsession!!
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