Shew! This has definitely been a miscellaneous day so I thought it would be perfect for me to link up with lowercase letters for miscellany monday!

Today is Oreo's 12th Birthday! I got her when I was 12, so today I have had her half my life. She has been the most wonderful "dog" (don't tell her! she doesn't know this yet!) ever! I am not sure what any of us in my house will do when she travels to doggie heaven :( We never thought she would make it to 12 years old because that is uncommon for a Great Dane but we are so happy for everyday we have with her!

It is snowing!!!!! A huge snow storm hit the south last night. We got around 3 inches here in Tennessee. We didn't get as much snow as everyone else because are temperatures are ALOT colder. It is still snowing here though, so I am hoping that tomorrow will be another snow day!
I started the morning out with a long to-do list in hopes that I would get everything checked off. Well I didn't! I did get a lot accomplished though! I did 3 loads of laundry and ironed all of it. I am trying a new approach to ironing. I absolutely hate to iron but refuse to go anywhere wrinkled. I am going to attempt to iron everything before I put it in my closet so that it will be ready to wear when I grab it. We will see how it goes! I also cleaned out a drawer, cleaned out my closet, filled some bags with clothes to donate and caught up on the shows I missed last night....thanks dvr! I didn't get everything accomplished but I did get a lot so I am happy!!!
I am praying for another snow day tomorrow so I can accomplish the rest of my list!!!
Ok fellow students, I am trying to stay organized this semester and not be a total slacker! What do ya'll do to stay organized and keep up with everything???? If it works for you please tell me about it....that's what we are here for right? To help each other out!
As I write this I am watching the Bachelor for the 1st time this season. I think he is adorable....I don't even know his name :( I think that he is very cute and soooo very sweet! The date he just took that girl on was amazing....are there any men like that in Tennessee????
I am working on my 101 in 1001 list and it is a lot harder than I thought. I am almost done with the list. my actual start date was January 1st because there are already a few things I have accomplished. One thing on my list is that I want to start reading books and try to read one book every month. What books do you all recommend???
It's a new year and time to shed those holiday pounds! I especially need to shed mine by March, in time for my trip. Do you all have any tricks? Do you keep a food journal? Watch what you eat? Diet? Workout? I need to be bikini ready!!!
That is enough procrastination for tonight, it is now time to get back to the laundry!
Sorry for the long post! I told you that it has been a very random day!
Happy Snow Day!
As far as books go, I love Angela's Ashes, The Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn :)
Anything by Jodi Picoult I LOVE.. I could tell you a million more! I love to read! And I wish I had some organizational tips... let me know if you get any good ones!
Ahppy birthday to oreo, bachelors name is BRAd lol , i use a planner and notebook with folders to keep everything straight, and im reading lady in waiting right now SOO good, redeeming love is good according to a friend of mine! hopefully this all helps :) and you did catch up on bachelor tonight!!! :))
Aw! Happy Birthday to Oreo!!! That is DEF rare that he has lived to 12!!! He is so cute! My 2nd cousins have Great Danes. Love them.
There is SO much drama on The Bachelor this season. I can't stand some of the girls, but Emily is my favorite. Brad is a cutie though!
And girl, if you want that bikini body you gotta work for it!
Hope you were able to have another snow day!
wow! what a beautiful dog!!
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